Monday, December 24, 2012

Some thoughts this Christmas

I've almost been a little embarrassed about coming back over here to blogville, where I first met you through this medium a little over a year ago.  I've neglected this thing so much over the last couple months as life happened that I really didn't know if it was too late to even come back.  But alas, the nostalgia of Christmas has overtaken me and I thought I would return to pen a few thoughts that have been floating through this old brain of mine.

 "A Christmas Story" is on the tube, as my bride finishes her thankless job of wrapping the very gifts that will soon be under the tree, the fruits of her labors soon torn and scattered.  My sweet Princess is home for the holiday and here I sit in my chair, a nice glass of upscale red as my treat for the day.  I'm a sucker for Christmas and all the trappings.  I almost can see myself in one of those old Norman Rockwellian paintings, though I doubt Norman would have wanted me as a subject.  It's the romantic in me, I guess.  I love the lights, the twinkles and smells and the memories they spark in my synapses.  I think back on Christmases of my past, as I was a kid.  Thoughts of paper tearing destruction... Thoughts of my own children, watching them grow against the backdrop of the holiday.

I think back on this year, and what a roller coaster ride it was.  I checked myself against my resolutions that I made this time last year.  See Resolutions

Here's a quick scorecard:

     1.  I will ride at least 8,000 miles this year:  Status... SUCCESS!! Due to some determination, and fortunate scheduling, I was able to rack up 9,985 miles this year, many on my beloved Old Red Sled... Ah, a tear is still shed from time to time for the old girl... See "The Secret to a Happy Ending"

     2.  Unless absolutely necessary, while on a motorcycle road trip, my bike will not lead me to "chain restaurants".  Status.... SUCCESS!!  Although, it's somewhat of a cop out by saying "Unless absolutely necessary" I can honestly say that I was able to stand by this tenet of road tripping the vast majority of the time.

     3.  Continue to remind myself that interstates have no soul and only serve one purpose to the traveling motorcyclist.  Status..... Eh.... I tried, God knows I tried, but there were a few trips that time constraints made me sell my soul to the 4 laned Satan...

     4.  See three different mountain ranges.  Status.... Eh, partial success.  I did get to burn a good bit of gasoline in the Smoky's this summer and was able to ride through the Ozark range, but the Rockies alluded me another year...

     5.  See an old friend.  Status.... Fail.  While I did get the chance to do a lot of visiting this year of great places and friends, that's not what I was getting at with this goal.  "He" is the subject of another ride and another blog on another day.  I'll make it up there before long, Buddy.  Mark my words.

     6.  Take my kids riding with me more than I did last year.  Status... SUCCESS!!!  Got another epic trip with one of my fabulous young'uns.  I'll never forget it, Princess.  See A Birthday Present for Me .

     7.  Make a difference.  Status.... Well, the jury still may be out on that one, but I was part of some pretty awesome things for some pretty deserving people.  See Doing Something For Dalton and A Tour of Duty

     8.  I'll enjoy the sheer beauty of cheese and cracker lunches on the side of the road at every opportunity.  Status..... Monster SUCCESS!!!  Thanks again to Tom Bumpus, the roadside chef of the century.

Tonight, I spend Christmas Eve with half of my family.  The boys will be home in the morning, but I'm healthy.  My home is warm.  We are all intact and safe.  My thoughts are with others tonight.  Tonight, two families that I love are remembering their sons, who are not celebrating Christmas with their families.  Others are with loved ones in hospitals.  Still more sit alone tonight.  Keep them in your prayers.  Friends, be thankful for what you have and never take it for granted. 

Tonight, I am thankful for the memories of this past year, and I'm thankful for the adventure that the future brings.  I'm thankful for you, my dear reader, and the people who have graced the doors at Bumpus Harley-Davidson.  You humble me and I am truly grateful for each of you.  I'm thankful for each and every one of my team at BHD.  Ladies and Gentlemen, you are a blessing.  I'm thankful for my parents, and my brothers.  I am thankful for my wife and my beautiful children. 

And tonight, I'm thankful for the Baby, born of a virgin... a firstborn son, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn....

Next year, may we all strive to "make room in the inn" for someone.

Merry Christmas and as always, Ride Safe, and with purpose.