Thursday, April 12, 2012

Doing Something for Dalton...

Ok folks.  I knew I'd end up bringing this topic up at some point soon, but I wasn't exactly sure when.  As I've said, this blog is where I talk about things that are important to me.  They will nearly always revolve around motorcycling, but not today.

Anyone who knows me also knows that my children are the most important things in my world and I'm blessed with three of them.  I hope you've had a chance to meet them at some point along the way.  My youngest is 12 years old and his name is Brandon.  He's my 'rider'.  He loves to go with me any chance he gets.  Last April, I was fortunate enough to get to take a road trip with him as we set out to conquer a few thousand miles and raise awareness of a disease called Cystic Fibrosis.  CF is a genetic disorder that causes the lungs and digestive system to fill with and become clogged by a thick sticky mucus that eventually kills those who have it, generally by respiratory failure. Brandon has it.  Now, when Brandon was diagnosed with the disease at birth, we were told that CF would claim its victim, on average, at 20 years of age.  Now, thanks to the funds raised by organizations like the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation ( )great advancements in medicine and treatments have stretched that mortality rate into the 30's, but that still leaves us with no cure.  They are getting closer, but not there yet.  Some time I'll go into greater detail of what life is like for children (and now adults) with CF, but that's not what this post is about.

All this leads me to the news I got this morning.  I was informed that during the night, CF, the disgusting monster that it is, claimed the life of an 11 year old boy in Lexington named Dalton.
I'd not ever had the privilege of meeting Dalton in person, nor have I been able to meet his parents.  All that I know about him and his family is what I've learned through others.  I do know that Dalton's health has been failing rapidly for some time.  I've been told that Dalton has had to make so many frequent trips to Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis (the same place I take Brandon for care) that both of his parents have lost their jobs due to taking time off. 

I heard stories this morning of a frantic mother calling the on-call doctor at the CF center and explaining exactly what was happening to Dalton's poor weak body at that very minute and hearing the words on the other end of the phone, instructions to please do the following, "turn off the machine and hold him tightly.  It's time."

I am a CF parent.  Don't think that as I look into his face that I don't see the face of my 12 year old CF'er.  Dalton was the child of all CF parents.  CF parents are not doctors.  We are not scientists.  We can offer care, but not find cures.  We are all helpless at times like this.  There's nothing left to do for Dalton.  He's safe.  Running, laughing, and breathing easy right now, but his parents are left here on this Earth to pick up the pieces.

I've been told that there are some extremely pressing financial issues that are laying at the feet of Dalton's family.  I want to try to help, but I don't know what all of the specifics are. 

All this leads me down to a super simple request.  The weather in Jackson TN is going to be absolutely gorgeous this weekend.  On Saturday the 14th, while you are out enjoying it, I'd like you to come by the store, 326 Carriage House Drive.  There's going to be a guy that looks like me standing our front serving hot dogs off the grill.  You've seen me do it, and yeah, I'm pretty good at it.  As always, they'll be free.  This time though, there will be a little bucket sitting in front of me.  If you feel so inclined, come by and grab a dog and drop a quarter in it.  Maybe a dollar, or ten, or a hundred.  I don't care how much.  Maybe just a prayer for a broken family over in Lexington that could sure use them right now.

Thanks for considering it at least.

Ride safe and with purpose, and do it with Dalton Wallace on your mind.


  1. I am so sorry for Dalton and his family.

    Linda Patrick

  2. I have to tell you, Scott, I am wiping the tears away right now. I was that mom holding her baby as she slipped away! CF is a monster! Thank you for all you do to help raise awareness. I will try to come by Saturday and leave a little something in the bucket! I have been there before! Much love and prayers to Dalton's family. Wish I could do something more to help!

    --Christy Wyatt

    1. Me too Christy. I could hardly finish reading Scotts post.

  3. Scott-
    This is a wonderful thing to do for a very deserving family who lost a very special young man to severe CF complications...I'll try my best to drop by on Saturday. Dr. S in Memphis

  4. Prayers for all the families dealing with CF but especially for Dalton's family this week.

  5. Wish I could make a roadtrip your way to support Dalton and his family. I'll stick my support in the mail and say some prayers for healing for this family. God Bless you Scott....these folks are blessed to have such wonderful support from you and Angie.

    April- Texan Harley-Davidson / CNS

  6. Scott,
    Thanks for your moving and eloquent tribute to Dalton Wallace. What a deep thing you describe so beautifully -- the love, devotion and sometimes heartbreak of parents for the most precious thing in the world. But, truly better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all. I drive by Bumpus Harley-Davidson in Collierville every day, but I will never look at the place the same way again. Because I missed seeing your message until Sunday, I am making a modest donation to the West Tennessee CFF chapter in remembrance of Dalton. Your moving words are a reminder to treasure every day we are blessed to be with our loved ones in this world. CF *will* be beaten because of people like you! Thanks, Charlie

  7. From a grandparent of two little girls with CF in Memphis, my heart goes out to this family. If only words could comfort.....prayers will.

  8. Scott
    I just randomly found your blog searching cystic fibrosis & motorcycles. My family & I live in Memphis & my husband & I ride so in a few round about ways I knew one of the Bumpus family had CF.
    Thank you so much for your moving tribute about Dalton. I'm also a CF parent to a beautiful little girl, Vega. V & Dalton spent some time in the hospital together this year. He was such a sweet, loving little boy. He even gave my sweet V (who is obsessed w/ dinosaurs & bugs & dragons) a giant dragon toy that she still plays with. I don't know how I'll tell her that she lost her 'CF friend'. It's truly heartbreaking & I can not even start to imagine the heartbreak his parents are going thru.
    I would love to send a little something to the family. If you know of a way please let me know.

    W/ respect
