Saturday, August 20, 2016

My Invocation for 56-G

Our  Father,

Over 60 years ago, the men gathered here tonight, US Air Force Pilot Training Class 56-G and their classmates took an oath to defend our country and uphold our Constitution.  Their actions and deeds have made it possible for their children and grandchildren to live free, and safe.

Bless these men of 56-G who are gathered with us tonight.  Be with those who are unable to attend and share this fellowship, and let us never forget those brave young men who have gone on and paid the ultimate price for our nation.  Let their names and what they have done never be silent upon our lips.


Father, we also ask that you bless those men and women who wear the uniform and protect us still today, may they all be safe.

Father, continue to be with these warriors gathered here tonight, as they continue their mission on this Earth.  These men, who as John Magee so famously described,

“Have gone up the long, delirious burning blue… topped the wind swept heights with easy grace where never a lark or eagle flew- and while with silent lifting mind they’ve trod the high un trespassed sanctity of space, put out their hand and touched the face of God”…

Father, use this food to nourish us and guide us for your mission and your purpose.

In Jesus Name,


More about this remarkable night later. 

Ride Safe and with Purpose

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